Salam Poles Lantai
Minggu, 13 Maret 2022
Membersihkan Lantai Marmer dengan Hidrogin Peroksida
Senin, 07 Maret 2022
Marble Floor Treatment Version of the "Tukang Poles Lantai"
Is your marble floor dull? Got stains?
Before discussing further about marble, it should be
noted that marble is prone to stains. If it gets stained, it should be
cleaned or mopped immediately. Because if not, the stain will penetrate
into the marble pores. As a result, the marble will become striped or
flecked and cannot be removed. However, to simply reduce the color of the
spots, "Tukang Poles Lantai" can help a little, by polishing it using a floor
polishing machine.
The method of cleaning marble floors is slightly
different from ceramic floors. Therefore, in order not to mishandle it,
you should call the services of a Floor Polisher. Because marble is an
exclusive type of floor and is classified as luxurious, so it needs maintenance
so that the appearance of an ordinary room looks more charming. In addition,
marble is also more durable.
from being used as a floor, marble is also
widely chosen as a wall material, kitchen table , or for other room properties. How to
clean marble itself is different from ordinary ceramics, because this material
is easy.
Here are some Tips – Marble Floor Treatment Version of the "Tukang Poles Lantai"
Lantai Marmer |
Marble floor maintenance is actually quite simple. We can clean dirt and stains on the marble floor with liquid soap or dish soap. That is by wiping with a soft cloth - chamois. Wipe gently while pressing along with the marble fibers until the stain disappears. Laundry bleach can also be used as a marble cleaner. How: Pour a few drops of bleach on the stained marble surface, then cover it with a tissue that has also been bleached. Then glue it using duct tape. Wait until the stain moves to the tissue and clean again using liquid soap. Those are a few tips from "Tukang Poles Lantai" for your marble floor care. Hope it is useful
Versi Indonesia >> <<Click di sini
Kamis, 03 Maret 2022
“Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja” are ready at any time
“Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja” are ready at any time to be called for floor polishing work in the Jogja area and its surroundings.
We are committed to helping “Tukang
Poles Lantai Jogja” customers with the best service for the sake of being
responsible for floor polishing service customers who are not limited to only
the Jogja area, but throughout the archipelago, from Sabang to Meraoke.
God willing, “Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja” are
always provided with convenience and remain istiqomah in carrying out the trust
given to “Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja” - Floor Polishing
Services as your partner in Floor Polishing Services.
“Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja” need encouragement
from all parties, including readers in general and customers in particular so
that floor polishing services never get tired of doing good and always
sincerely do good, including sincerity in your floor polishing services.
“Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja” advance with all of
your success.
Greetings “Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja”
Ready to serve your floor polishing job
Selasa, 01 Maret 2022
"Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja" Will Do the Job
Currently, the need for floor polishing services in the Jogja area is increasing. This is because there are many new building construction projects or building and office renovations, which have not been used for almost 2 years due to WFH (Work form Home) office activities so that the condition of offices and buildings is not maintained and many are damaged. Such conditions need improvement and extra care, including floor care.
Special handling is needed for floor maintenance, here the role of "Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja" or
floor polishing services is needed. Because "Tukang
Poles Lantai Jogja" or floor polishing services who know how to solve
it. Even though it's actually quite simple, how to make the floor clean and
shiny again, but believe me, that your employees will not be able to solve this
problem. Besides not being used to doing floor polish, it's also not their job
to do it. Just trust the Floor Polisher who clearly masters the technique and
how to make your floor clean and shiny.
The "Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja" will do the job
with great care so that the floor is not damaged, looks scratched and dull.
On the contrary, your floor will be smoother and shiny like new again. You can
imagine, there must be a lot of dust and dirt and grease stuck to the floor
that has not been occupied for a long time. Trust the Floor Polisher who serves
Floor Polishing Services around your place.
One of the recommended Floor Polishing Services in Jogja is Floor
Polishing. "Tukang Poles Lantai
Jogja" who are professional and have a high commitment to Floor
Polishing Services. Complete work and full responsibility. That's the
Performance of a "Tukang Poles
Lantai Jogja".
Kamis, 17 Februari 2022
Semangat Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja
Meski di masa pandemi banyak perusahaan yang gulung tikar serta kegiatan perkantoran tidak full, namun pekerjaan Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja tetap eksis dan justru semakin meningkat ordernya. Order Tukang Poles lantai jogja justru datang dari berbagai arah. Dari individu atau personal untuk jasa poles lantai rumahnya maupun datang dari pemilik gedung untuk perawatan lantainya lantaran jarang dijamah karyawan yang sedang dirumahkan atau diberhentikan sementara.
Tukang poles lantai jogja tetap optimis dan selalu semangat menjemput rejekinya dari pelayanan jasa poles lantai yang mereka geluti. Karena bagaimanapun kebutuhan untuk perawatan lantai itu sangat perlu demi sebuah kenyamanan.
Tegel Kembang |
Tukang poles lantai selalu semangat mengerjakan order di mana pun wilayahnya, baik itu di Jogja sendiri maupun di kota kota lain di luar jogja.
Masalah poles lantai percayakan pada tukang poles lantai jogja dan akan memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi Anda.
Published by : Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja
Rabu, 09 Februari 2022
Kondisi Tukang Poles Lantai Dahulu - Kini
Banyak sekali perbedaan kondisi dan cara kerja tukang poles lantai Jogja, hal ini disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Di antaranya adalah adanya perkembangan teknologi yang semakin canggih dan adanya perkembangan kemajuan SDM dari tukang poles lantai jogja itu sendiri. Dalam web blog ini akan kita bahas satu persatu kondisi dan cara kerja Tukang poles lantai Jogja dari perjalanan awal para tukang poles lantai jogja hingga mencapai kondisi sampai saat ini.
Harapannya, tulisan ini dapat memberi gambaran tentang perjalanan tukang poles lantai Jogja dan segala romantikanya.
Tukang poles lantai Jogja menikmati segala prosesnya, makanya mengapa sampai saat ini tukang poles lantai Jogja masih tetap survive dan setia menggeluti bidang jasa poles lantai.
Bebertapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kondisi Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja dari masa ke masa tersebut antara lain:
Transportasi Yang digunakan Tukang Poles Lantai Jogja :
Selasa, 08 Februari 2022
Membersihkan Lantai Marmer dengan Hidrogin Peroksida
Hidrogen peroksida termasuk salah satu senyawa yang lazim digunakan untuk bermacam produk rumah tangga. Baik produk kecantikan maupun produk...